towels of different sizes

How big is oversize?

4th February 2020

The Turkish Towel Company make a variety of beautiful, luxurious towels. But how are their customers to decide between a regular and oversize bath towel? and how do they compare to a bath sheet?

Subtle size comparison on the category pages allow users to understand the relative towel sizes implicitly.

NGO Monitor website cross-linking

All the research

4th February 2020

Extensive cross-linking, custom filters and searches, allow the NGO Monitor website to offer fluid research on the large number of topics in their field of expertise.

Put things in the right order

4th February 2020
Revenue before and after redesign

Getting your Information Architecture right can make a big difference to sales. In the year after the first redesign overall revenue was up over 65%, and their premium range of towels saw a 120% increase in traffic. Of course, the redesign wasn’t limited to the Information Architecture, but it played a big role in improving site performance.

6 years later, we’ve just completed the second upgrade and redesign of the website, and we’re eagerly waiting to see how it will affect sales and traffic.

chart with filter options

Millions of NIS at your fingertips

4th February 2020

NGO Monitor have collated large amounts of data on funding for NGOs. Their research tool allows you to filter and sort grant information for millions of NIS, and create presentation-ready charts with exactly the information you need.